Installing Remote.It on Firewalla Gold

Has anyone installed on a Firewalla Gold device? My isp is a cgnat and I cannot setup a vpn server on my Firewalla device because it requires port forwarding. If you have, I would appreciate your advice.

I’m not completely sure whether it will work as I haven’t tried it. It seems likely because the device is (or was) derived from a Raspberry Pi (the “Purple” version).

Here are the basic requirements, which should be installed (or installable)

  • systemd (except for OpenWrt)
  • curl
  • jq

It doesn’t hurt to try our 1-line installer which you can find here:

Installing the remoteit Device Package

I would run:

sudo apt update

Prior to trying that.

The claim code can be entered using the Remote.It Desktop application or at .

Let me know if you encounter any issues.