Cannot Register New Devices (Bulk Registration/OEM)


We have a manufacturing service that runs to register new devices as they go through QC testing. This has been working fine for a few years now but all of a sudden today it is not creating the config.json file. I tracked it down to the function where it updates that file after sending it to the url. After printing out the response to the curl on this function I found that it’s getting HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests. This led me to log into my account and manage the “product” but when I try to do that it won’t let me login to the legacy site. I get the prompt below. Is this a bigger issue or just me?

Sorry for the issue. We are currently experiencing an issue in our production environment and are troubleshooting it.

This issue is now resolved.

@bstrech It appears to be working now. Thank you!

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Closing this topic for comment since it is resolved.