Synology NAS - new services stay offline

I set up with Synology NAS yesterday and after some experimentation got both a SSH and HTTPS for the management portal working.

I’ve been attempting to set up a service for an internal web site I am hosting on the NAS.
I was playing with different settings trying to get it working. I had not yet got a winning combination of settings, but each time the service at least was online(I was able to click connect and it would try)

Then during one attempt I got a error pop up: I didn’t copy the error in time but I think it was like this one I had seen before when working on getting the NAS connected:

Error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘id’, table ‘yoics.dbo.r3_Licenses’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
This might not be the exact error, like I said I didn’t copy it in time

Now any service I add never comes “online”, that is I never get a blue play/connect button.
Even if they are identical to one that is working.

The 2 services I already have setup still work fine (a HTTPS and SSH)

I stopped the service on the NAS and started it again. no luck.

Anyone know what’s going on? Thanks!

We had a problem with our API for new users over 24 hours ago which would have affected device registration. That error message you posted would have been generated by this bug. Can you confirm that you are still seeing this issue?
You should not set up more than one service which points to the same port. Please post some screenshots of the service set up with the port and type (make sure that you do not show any personally identifiable information in the image)
What is the port that your website uses on the NAS. When you are on the LAN what is the address you use to access the website?

Works now. same settings.

Keep us posted if anything changes.

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