I started a connection and I am getting an error: " remote.it connected, but there is no service running on the remote machine.” What is happening and how do I fix it?
In Remote.It, “online” means that the Remote.It package is running and is contacting the Remote.It presence servers, but is not a confirmation of the service running or listening on the configured port.
According to the error message, the daemon was able to establish a connection, but the service on the device either isn’t running or it is not running on the configured port.
Double check that your service is still running and listening on the port you have configured in app.remote.it OR the Remote.It Desktop application.
If you are the owner or manager of the device, you can confirm the configured port by clicking on the Service and then “Service Configuration”. Make sure that the port is correct. For example, NodeRed is typically port 1880, but may be different if you changed your configuration in the setup of the server. If it is incorrect, update it and then try the connection again.
If it still fails, you should get access to the device on the LAN or direct access on the device to confirm that the service is running and listening.
You can run the following command. Replace with the port from the Service Configuration:
For Windows, open a command prompt as Administrator
netstat -ano | findstr <Port>
For Linux or Mac, open a terminal window
sudo netstat -ano | grep <Port>
or if you do not have netstat, you can try:
sudo lsof -i : <Port> -S
If both of the above result in “Command not found”, you will need to install netstat or lsof.
If you find that nothing is listening, then you will need to troubleshoot that. It may be that the service isn’t running or is listening on a different port. Make sure that the service is running and that you can connect on the port locally, then make any adjustments in the Remote.It service configuration as needed.
If you do not own or manage the device, you will need to contact an owner or manager of the device to verify the settings and that the service/server is running and listening on the port.