Hi, I installed remoteit on a Raspberry pi zero w with Raspberry pi os lite and it worked. I was able to access to the web interface, logging in and enable services. I currently have SSH and desktop admin. However from my user interface in remote.it it I can’t connect to anything. It always says: “Failed to connect to the service SSH.
If the device was not shutdown, an offline device or service may show as online for up to 15 minutes while our system determines it is not experiencing network issues.”
The raspberry is online, I can ping, wget, update, etc. It’s updated. I don’t use proxies or vpn. I have checked all the passages in Installation issues with the remoteit package – remote.it and they are fine. And the local logs doesn’t display anything apart that the services are online. Any idea of what could it be? Thank you.
This is what I see when I try to connect to a service
I think you sent in a ticket.
Running connectd -nat showed that your NAT mapping time was only about 1 second. This suggests that your router is misbehaving (may have run out of memory). Please reboot your router and see if it helps.
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Yes, that’s me. The problem was on the router which provided the connection to the raspberry. After a reboot the services started to be able to connect
Thanks for the update!