Can't remove connection via cli on raspberry pi debian OS


I have the below connections and I would like to remove one of them, but it seems that the remoteit agent response with no service to remove?

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo remoteit status
 ✓ Fetching status

 owner:, deviceRegistered: true, services: 0, connections: 3

 device                     | type              | state        | address
 <device ID>    | device            | connecting   |

 connection                 | type              | state        | address                                        | enabled   | p2p   | failover
 90:99:99:99:99:99:99:91    | MySQL (45)        | ready        | <hostname>             | true      | false | false
 90:99:99:99:99:99:99:92    | SSH (28)          | ready        | <hostname>               | true      | false | false
 90:99:99:99:99:99:99:93    | HTTP (7)          | ready        | https://<hostname>   | true      | false | false

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo remoteit remove --id <service ID2>
 × No services to remove (CODE: 2)

Any idea how to remove or why does it say “No services to remove” ?

p.s. Actually on all 3 connections it is not possible to remove them with the same reason.

The command you are running is actually to remove a registered service on the device and not the connection. The current state of this device is that you have it registered as a device but there are no services registered to accept connections. This means that you cannot make a connection from another device or app to this device.

To remove a connection, use the command:

sudo remoteit connection remove --id <connection id>

You can always get help by running the command:

sudo remoteit help

Or if you are at a specific level like connections, you can run:

sudo remoteit connection --help