Hello, I have bought a used system with ubuntu on it and remote.it is installed from the prevoius owner. I also want to go using it but for security reasons I first want to uninstall it and to do a fresh install. The reason behind is I have seen the this machine is sendind DNS request to a lot of different adresses like “fe3.remot3.it” for every seconds. How can I uninstall it completely? I tried with sudo connectd_installer and I logged in with my account. I used option 4 for uninstalling it and it gave me error code 200:
Are you sure you want to remove ALL remote.it Services? [y/n]
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.6.39
Stopping Connectdrmt365535…
Deleting hashi_big_brother… this may take up to 30 seconds.
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.6.39
Stopping Connectdssh22…
Deleting … this may take up to 30 seconds.
API call to https://api.remote.it/apv/v27/device/delete failed!
Reason for failure: , Error code: 200.
Contact support@remote.it with this information.
Please press the ENTER key.
Then I registered the device to my account succesfully. After that I did this step again and again error code 200 and it still spams my DNS.
What can I do next to solve the problem?