Greetings! Ever since serveo went down, i have been using this service as an alternative. As i have noticed, whenever i disconnect, the connection just disconnects too. Like, i cant connect back whatsoever unless i go back to the web panel and click connect. How can i make the connection persistant? Keep in mind that the machine i linked the service to does NOT have any desktop enviroment installed. (Sorry for my bad english and thanks in advance!)
When you make a connection on the Web Portal, the connection is a proxy and will close in 15 minutes if there is inactivity or after 8 hours, whichever comes first. After a connection closes, then it will require you to start a new connection which will give you a new url and port.
If you would like to create connections from your computer which will be consistent from day to day, install and use the Remote.It Desktop application on the computer you are connecting from rather than use the web application.
These connections are not shareable but they do allow bookmarking for a single user and will re-connect on demand as long as you do not quit the Desktop App or close the connection.
As i said, the computer that i want to make connections from has no desktop interface at all. Is there a command line method of sorts?
You can install the Remote.It CLI and generate connections via command line. Please see: CLI Overview and Installation -