I have set up remote.it for a few devices for personal use (Linux), device A and B. I have provisioned each of them with their own ed25519 keys, called Q and P.
I run SSH clients from both a windows and Linux computer, called C and D.
When using remote.it web client or the remote.it desktop app, I do not see any places to go in and provide the path to my ssh key for each device.
I have disabled password access over SSH to my devices for security reasons, and I also have a ~/.ssh/config file set up on my host computers C and D that works on the local network.
Is there any for me to configure the remote.it application to use my SSH keys for access, rather than the current behavior of password access, or a way to use a SSH config file?
As a workaround, I can manually copy the proxy address, port, and then the path to the key, but this is tedious and error prone.