AGENT not reachable, please run 'remoteit agent restart' (CODE: 101)

I’m testing on some machines (via CLI) and about 1 in 5 machines throws up the error:

AGENT not reachable, please run 'remoteit agent restart' (CODE: 101)

Restarting the agent does nothing and SSH port fails to register.

Latest version etc.

Any suggestions?

This is the script I’m using to remote deploy:

remoteit reset --yes
remoteit unregister --yes
remoteit signout --yes
remoteit agent uninstall --yes
remoteit uninstall --yes
taskkill /f /im remoteit*
rm -r -force 'C:\ProgramData\remoteit*'
rm -r -force 'C:\Windows\System32\remoteit*'

cd /temp
curl.exe -k -o remoteit.exe
mv .\remoteit.exe C:\Windows\System32\remoteit.exe
cd /windows/system32
remoteit agent install
remoteit signin --user --pass xyz
remoteit register --name "$(hostname)"
remoteit add --name "SSH" --port 22 --type 28
remoteit agent restart
remoteit status

Are there any difference with the other computers that do not fail? CPU, memory, Windows versions and previous version of remoteit?

Did these computers have before? Is that the reason you are uninstalling? You typically can just uninstall and it will unregister the device. However if you are just looking to replace the binary and install a new version you should be able to replace the binary and restart the process, this will avoid de-registering and registering the device over and over.
Check what is stored in PATH for remoteit and verify that it is correct.

All of the machines are Windows 10 or 11.

Most of the machines had traces of remoteit from a previous trial over a year ago but they where uninstalled but not fully hence the start of the script removing existing traces.

The binary is being install in c:/windows/system32 so def is stored in PATH.

The devices log into my account and register. At that point they are shown as Platform: Unknown and I cannot get any further.

Where (if any) are the logs stored so I can check them out?

When doing a status on machines with the 101 error code I get:

✓ Fetching status

 owner:, deviceRegistered: false, services: 0, connections: 0

Hello Richard,
This could be because the original process fails to be killed and you are still running the old process or the daemon is not really running.

When using the CLI, you can get your logs and configuration files using these instructions:



If you are open to a debug session, please send me a PM and I will send you a link to schedule an online debug session.