Some notes on how to successfully install on OpenWRT 17.01.7:
Log in to the router via SSH (change to your router’s IP address):
ssh -v -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@
Update the package list:
opkg update
Install curl:
opkg install curl
Install ca-bundle (certificate authority):
opkg install ca-bundle
Change to the temp directory:
cd /tmp
Download and install an OLD version of the jq from
Install jq:
opkg install jq_1.5-3_mips_24kc.ipk
Then proceed with the installation instructions for on OpenWRT.
sh -c "$(curl -L "")"
Basically, curl, ca-bundle and jq are required for installation. The problem is that jq isn’t found in OpenWRT package lists prior to 18.01, so it can’t be installed that way. I first tried the latest version of jq from OpenWRT’s snapshot packages repository, but that created errors with I removed it and installed the older 1.5 version jq package for OpenWRT 18.01, and suddenly everything worked.
For good measure, here’s the cleanup instructions for on OpenWRT:
opkg remove remoteit
rm -rf /etc/remoteit /usr/share/remoteit