Onion omega2S remote.it (OpenWRT)

How to install remote.it package in onion omega2S. that is having the openwrt linux operating system.
Omega firmware: v0.3.2 b232
onion-os - 1.0.6-1

Try the instructions given here.


There are some additional steps to take to get it fully working on OpenWRT. I have only tested OpenWRT 19.07 on Raspberry Pi at the moment.

I found it necessary to run the following commands prior to following the instructions above:

opkg update
opkg install curl

The connectd 2.4.26 package assumes that the target operating system uses systemd for startup and shutdown of services. However, OpenWRT uses init.d instead. To make services installed onto init.d based systems such as OpenWRT, create the following file:


Copy and paste these lines into the blank file, then save it.

#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
# connectd startup script for init.d based systems


start() {       
 echo starting connectd
/usr/bin/connectd_schannel start

stop() {         
 echo stopping connectd
/usr/bin/connectd_schannel stop

Make the file executable, e.g.

chmod +x /etc/init.d/connectd

Finally, enable the command to run at startup:

/etc/init.d/connectd enable

The remote.it Services should start at boot time, and should shut down when you issue either a reboot or poweroff command.

I tried even though its not working. Should i make it connectd.sh or connectd file.


should be the name of the file.

You should make it executable using

chmod +x /etc/init.d/connectd

You can test it on the command line with:

/etc/init.d/connectd start


/etc/init.d/connectd stop


root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/connectd start
starting connectd
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Connectdrmt365535 is already started
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Connectdssh22 is already started
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Connectdweb80 is already started
remote.it server channel daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
connectd_schannel.arm-android_static is already started

[in that case, they were already running]

root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/connectd stop
stopping connectd
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Stopping Connectdrmt365535…
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Stopping Connectdssh22…
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Stopping Connectdweb80…
remote.it server channel daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Stopping connectd_schannel.arm-android_static…

[the services were running, and we stopped them]

root@OpenWrt:~# /etc/init.d/connectd start
starting connectd
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Starting Connectdrmt365535…
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Starting Connectdssh22…
Connectd built Apr 19 2019 at 16:45:48 Now Starting Up
Version 4.6 - (c)2019 remot3.it, Inc. All Rights Reserved
config file //etc/connectd/services/Connectdssh22.conf
Starting up as daemon
PID file specified as /var/run/Connectdssh22.pid
setting web config port to dest_server_port 80
primary local ip =
Connectd daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Starting Connectdweb80…
remote.it server channel daemon start/stop script Version: 2.4.26
Starting connectd_schannel.arm-android_static…
server_channel_handler built Jan 7 2019 at 16:56:40
Version 0.5 - (c)2019 remot3.it, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Starting up as daemon

[the services were stopped, and we started them]

Your output might be little different depending on which remote.it Services you configured.

Do you have a file /etc/rc.common?

Please send the result of the command:

uname -a

I just bought one of these and there are a couple other things you’ll need to know.

#1 curl is not installed by default, so you can’t run auto-install.sh until you do the following (after the Onion board is connected to the internet):

opkg update
opkg install curl

#2 The web UI for this board doesn’t appear to work properly with a remote.it web connection, although SSH works fine.

#3 They also include “shellinabox” which is a way to get a console in your web browser. To access this, set up a web connection on port 4200.

Sorry, I left out an important step:

/etc/init.d/connectd enable