quite awhile since I have done this so a bit rusty.
I have set up a Raspberry pi 3 B+ installing the latest Raspbian OS on a 32GB micro SD card. Then copied the command to install Remoteit to a terminal window and ran it. Command was
R3_REGISTRATION_CODE=“XXXXXXXXXXXXX” sh -c “$(curl -L https://downloads.remote.it/remoteit/install_agent.sh)”
This ran successfully. In previous times when I did this it would provide a CLAIM code and url to use that but now it doesn’t. Using my laptop with the Remoteit app I can see the new device but it only has SSH as a connection so I add RDP with the standard port etc. - checked that with another system that is working and all the connection info appears correct but when I attempt to connect to the pi I get the windows message “This computer can’t connect to the remote computer. Try connection again, if the problem persists …” - it does.
Any ideas - my connections to my older devices are fine.