not available on Pi after update

After updating to remoteit Version: 2.6.39 lib_v2.6.29 on my Raspberry Pi, I am not able to access the admin portal at

I am able to use the remote.it and the different services I have installed. In order to configure new services I use connectd_installer on the command line.

I have tried looking for and installing the remoteit-headless package with apt but I can’t find it. I am not sure if that is the problem.

Also I find it strange that connectd.service won’t stay up

pi@remoteitpi:~ $ systemctl status connectd.service
● connectd.service - Remote tcp connection service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/connectd.service; enabled; vendor preset:
Active: inactive (dead) since Sat 2022-02-19 12:48:25 -03; 1h 14min ago


I am having a similar issue.
Wondering if the its same case, if not, ill start my own thread

I just did a fresh install.
There is a new icon that says “remote configurable” next to the name of my device in my Remote.it app.
I can also “remote” add services, they all work except the admin panel. Did it get removed?

The web admin panel was only part of the remoteit 3.x package and was dropped in 4.x “Device Package” in favor of configuring Services directly using the Desktop application or https://beta.remote.it.

Please see: https://support.remote.it/hc/en-us/articles/4406459776909-Major-release-remoteit-Device-Package-4-13