This is not connecting to ubuntu - this is connecting FROM it - create tunnel and then connect to another host (linux/ssh)
Once the Destop app installs - it asks for sudo permission to install the service
which it installed fine
terryr@mmmm:~$ ps aux | grep remote | grep root
root 8957 0.0 0.0 1238608 16304 ? Ssl 08:09 0:00 /opt/Remote.It/resources/remoteit run --config /etc/remoteit/config.json
but the desktop app still produces this error
Connection Error
config - you must be signed in to perform this operation
Can you check if you have a /etc/remote.it with a config.json in it?
we are thinking this is because the /etc/remoteit/config.json is not there or not writeable for the software/
We have this ticket that post about it:
Let me know if that
Directory didnt exist - made it
file didnt exists - touched it (empty file) in new directory
code now works
given this is a fresh install - maybe make the dir and file if its a dependancy on running the code.
also - why does the service have to run as root? not very linux-y and not very safe.
OK We are trying to track why that is happening and on what version.
The software actually does not require root, depending on how you use it, but the current package is not setup for that at this time.
We recommend using docker for now if you want to isolate the software.