Hello. I hosted a Minecraft Server and it worked great. My friends were able to connect to my remote.it device, and everything was working well. However, two days after that, my friends started to keep disconnecting from the server (timeout every 30 seconds), and another two days later they weren’t able to even connect to my remote.it device. The error was either code 16/21, saying “cannot bind to udp port (udp p2p port)” or “connection to peer failed (failed p2p connect).” Then my friends and I tried swithing, with them hosting and me connecting to their remote.it device. It turns out that I also had the same problem, which is “connection to peer failed (failed p2p connect) (CODE: 21).” What should I or my friends do to fix this? Or maybe what can remote.it do to fix this?
I hope the remote.it team can fix this problem ASAP. Thank you.